Use INI file for settings
If this menu selection is checked, then whenever NDC or one of it's modules starts it will look to see if there is an Network_Drive_Control.INI file in the "NDC Logs" subdirectory of the user's My Documents folder. The Network_Drive_Control.INI file is an encapsulated BLOB of the NDC System Registry data for that user and is not editable. If there is a Network_Drive_Control.INI in the "NDC Logs" subdirectory of the user's My Documents folder, and it is undamaged, then those settings will be used by NDC (or it's modules) and will also over write any NDC registry settings for that user. If there is no INI file, it has been renamed, or it is damaged, then NDC will default to the last settings that were in effect in the System Registry before the INI file was last written.
Because NDC's settings are on a per-user basis, and the very presence of this file in the users "NDC Logs" subdirectory of the user's My Documents folder will cause NDC to use it, you can make multiple users have identical settings by copying the same INI file to their respective "NDC Logs" subdirectory of those user's respective My Documents folders. Also because NDC's settings are on a per-user basis, some users can use INI files and others not, just as different users can have radically different mappings.
When you first check this menu selection, NDC will create the INI file based on the settings as they exist at that time in NDC's normal operating mode. If you make any changes to NDC while in this INI file mode, the changes will not be written to the INI file until you exit NDC. The INI file is not editable except by NDC. If you uncheck this menu selection, the existing INI file will be deleted.
The INI files are not interchangeable with the Export files and generally not interchangeable between PC's.
While my testing so far has not shown using the INI file makes NDC less stable, I would recommend people temporarily turn off the INI file feature when upgrading NDC.
I will also say that this is a feature people asked for but I don't use. That means that despite my testing, the likelihood of a bug is higher with this feature. Please let me know if you have any issues.