Display Icon in System Tray
DNS Cache Viewer can be configured to automatically put an icon in the System Tray when it runs. To turn on putting an icon in the System Tray, select the Help menu, and click on "Display Icon in System Tray". A check should appear next to the menu item, and DCV will put an icon in the System Tray whenever it runs or whenever DCV runs. To cancel automatically putting an icon in the System Tray, select the Help menu, and click on "Display Icon in System Tray" to uncheck it.
Left clicking on the icon in the System Tray launches DNS Cache Viewer. Right clicking on the icon lets the user select between exiting the icon program, and displaying an "About" box. The default is to not automatically display an icon in the System Tray as doing so does use some CPU & RAM resources, so I'd prefer people to opt-in rather than force them to opt-out.
If the System Tray is active and the "Automatically Check For Updates" menu selection is also checked, then the System Tray icon program will check for updates once per day. The check interval is once every 24 hours with the interval starting when the Tray icon program starts. This means that doing things like restarting the PC or opening the NPC Console up may restart the interval. The program uses the Windows API SetTimer function & Windows message pump so the CPU utilization is basically unaffected by this feature.