DNS Cache Viewer can be configured to automatically check for new versions when it runs. The default is to not automatically check, as I'd prefer people to opt-in rather than force them to opt-out.

To turn on checking automatically for updates, select the Help menu, and click on "Automatically Check For Updates". A check should appear next to the menu item, and DCV will check for updates whenever it runs or whenever the DCV runs. To cancel automatic checking for updates, select the Help menu, and click on "Automatically Check For Updates" to uncheck it. This setting is performed on a per user basis.

There is also a menu selection to force DCV to check for updates immediately. If you click this menu selection, DCV will check regardless of whether "Automatically Check For Updates" is checked.

Whenever you run the installer to update DCV to a new version, or to reinstall it, your settings are unaffected.