DNS Cache Viewer Displayed Information

The display for DCV shows the Record Name,  Record Type, Time To Live, Data Length, Section and  Record information for the cached DNS entries on your Windows machine at the moment the DNS cache was queried. This content is dynamic depending on what your machine is doing.

The Record Name is the name attempted to be resolved by the DNS system.

The Record Type is pretty much what the name says - the type if DNS record. At this point in time (April 2020), there are approximately 43 active record types, 4 pseudo-record types, and 45 obsolete record types. DCV will list translate & list record type (which is actually in the cache as a numeric).

Time to Live is the amount of time (in seconds) the entry will stay in the cache. After this time, Windows will flush it.

Data Length is the size (in bytes) of the returned record. For example, an an IPv4 address is four bytes, IPv6 is sixteen bytes.

Message Format is the response DNS message format. There are two types of DNS messages, queries and replies.

Record is what the Record name resolved to for it's record type. An example would a an "A" record, which would be the type of record where a domain name is being resolved to an IP Address, so for example, a web browser can access a web page. For example, "bing.com" might resolve to an IP Address of