Logon Message Editor (LOMessage.exe)

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copyright Michael J. Burns

This is a simple "one trick pony" utility to allow one to easily change the logon message on a Windows system. The Windows logon message is the optional message displayed to users, for which they need to click "OK", to get to the actual login screen. (Often on corporate computers, it displays a legal notice about authorized use.) If the message is blank, then the logon message screen never appears. On large corporate systems, the IT guys would normally remotely control this message. On individual systems, say where you want to remind the kids at home or employees in a small business, you can also do this by manually editing the System Registry. However, that's not only a pain, but even if you are a System Registry editing pro, simple editing of the registry keys results in a message with no line formatting, and to get the message to be line formatted with carriage returns requires editing the registry entry at the binary level. Since I manage some Windows machines used for computer simulations by graduate students, as well as have a home workstation dedicated for work related use, I wrote a small editor to allow me to change this message, with line formatting, quickly and simple without having to deal with the Group Policy editor nor with manually binary editing the System Registry. That program is Logon Message Editor (LOMessage). This program has been mostly used on 64-bit Windows 7 Pro, Enterprise & Ultimate machines, but should work on any version of Windows XP & higher (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 & 11). Windows requires that the user trying to edit this message be an Administrator, and the program  does look at the users privilege level and if they did not start this program with Administrator privileges, it warns them they will not be able to save any edits unless they quit and restart the program using "Run as Administrator". Users without Administrator privileges will not be able to use this utility to do anything except look at the Windows logon message.

All binaries are signed, including the installer.

As usually, I supply this free software with the usual warning that you use it at your own risk, that you should backup your system (ideally do a full system image) before trying it, and I'm not responsible for the results, you are.

V1.1 Release date February 10, 2019
 Download the 495kB zip file by clicking here. (Right click, select "Save as...")
The zip file contains an installer that will install Logon Message Editor for Windows.

Readme file can be read by clicking here.

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