ContentsBasic Technical Data


Atomic number 30
Atomic weight 65.37
Density (at 25°C) 7140 kg/m3
Melting point 419.5°C (692.7 K)
Boiling point (760 mm Hg) 907°C (1180 K)
Modulus of elasticity 7 x 104 MN/m2
Specific heat (20°C) 0.382 kJ/kg.K
Latent heat of fusion (419.5°C) 100.9 kJ/kg
Latent heat of vaporisation (906°C) 1.782 MJ/kg
Heat capacity  
     solid Cp = 22.40 + 10.5 x 10-3 TJmol-1 (298 - 692.7 K)
     liquid Cp = 31.40 Jmol-1
     gas Cp = 20.80 Jmol-1
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion
     (polycrystalline 20-250°C)
39.7 µm/m.K
Volume coefficient of thermal expansion (20 - 400°C) 0.89 x 10-6/K
Thermal conductivity : solid (18°C) 113W/m.K
Electrical resistivity (polycrystalline at 20°C) 5.9 u¤m
Standard electrode potential (against H2 electrode) -0.762 V

Source: Porter-Zinc Handbook, 1991