These external links are provided for reference purposes. Michael Burns is not responsible for the content of these external Internet sites, including the accuracy of their data nor whether they are maintained by their owners.
World COVID-19 Info: US State COVID-19 Statistics. Where possible, links to graphical data is favored. Suggestions & corrections appreciated.
Notes: 1. Some States list infection rates as x per 100,000 population and others as x per Million population, so you may need to convert to compare. (e.g. 8 per 100,000 is the same as 80 per Million.) 2. Some States do not follow the defacto standard dashboard layout which can make it more difficult to compare with other States. Pay attention to how the data is labeled.
External links are provided for reference purposes. Michael Burns is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. Copyright © 1997-2024 Michael J. Burns All Rights Reserved. |