COVID-19 Wastewater Select Sites



These external links are provided for reference purposes. Michael Burns is not responsible for the content of these external Internet sites, including the accuracy of their data nor whether they are maintained by their owners.


World COVID-19 Info:

US State COVID-19 Statistics. Where possible, links to graphical data is favored. Suggestions & corrections appreciated.



A lot of cities, particularly in states whose politicians have downplayed the threat of COVID, measure their wastewater for COVID but don't setup sites to make the data easily viewable by the public. To see that data, you need to dig into the CDC COVID wastewater site.


COVID-19: National Wastewater Surveillance (CDC)      


External links are provided for reference purposes. Michael Burns is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. Copyright © 1997-2024 Michael J. Burns All Rights Reserved.